



July 20


The Walton Centre NHS Foundation Trust / NNEdPro Global Centre for Nutrition & Health

Which one of the following Member categories relates to your job?

Healthcare practitioners

Additional information about your interest in iKANN

I originally trained as a nutritional scientist, and hold a BSc in Nutritional Sciences from University College Cork, Ireland. I am an ANutr with the Association for Nutrition.
I have an MSc in Nutrition and Dietetics from the University of Chester and currently work as a specialist Neurosurgery Dietitian at The Walton Centre NHS Foundation Trust.
I also function as the NNEdPro Science & Digital Communications Lead and host our monthly ‘Virtual Journal Club,’ which provides a platform for discussion and critical appraisal of topical research for NNEdPro and IANE members

Activity Feed

Shane McAuliffe replied to Sally Ayyad's discussion Are COVID-19 patients more susceptible to undernutrition following discharge from intensive care units?
"Posting on behalf on the NNEdPro Nutrition & COVID-19 Taskforce
Much of the existing literature on nutrition in COVID-19 has focused on nutritional risk factors in relation to acute disease severity and outcomes, for which we know there are severe…"
Nov 19, 2021
Shane McAuliffe replied to Sally Ayyad's discussion COVID-19 and the disproportionate effect on individuals with comorbidities
"Posting on behalf on the NNEdPro Nutrition & COVID-19 Taskforce
According to the available evidence, people with diabetes do not have a higher susceptibility to SARS-CoV-2 infection. However, we have observed that people with diabetes and related…"
Nov 19, 2021
Shane McAuliffe replied to Sally Ayyad's discussion Possible link of vitamin D deficiency and COVID-19
"A very topical area indeed Sally! This has been a common theme of research publications to the BMJ Nutrition, Prevention and Health special collection on Nutrition Interactions with COVID-19 (and more widely), many of which are included in the iKANN…"
Sep 2, 2021
Shane McAuliffe updated their profile
Aug 31, 2021
Shane McAuliffe replied to Breanna Lepre's discussion Nutrition and COVID-19 evidence tracker - Discussion
"I am interested to see the emphasis placed on nutrition in the period of COVID-19 rehabilitation and recovery. In time, we will have more patients recovery from COVID-19 in our communities than actively being treated in hospitals, so the focus on…"
Mar 11, 2021
Shane McAuliffe and Breanna Lepre are now friends
Feb 9, 2021
Shane McAuliffe and Dr Celia Laur are now friends
Jan 29, 2021
Shane McAuliffe and Bijaya Kumar Nayak are now friends
Jan 20, 2021
Shane McAuliffe is now a member of iKANN
Oct 12, 2020